Faith visit


Hayley’s sister Faith came to stay with us for a weekend and we had a great time. The girls hit the pool a few times, hung out with our next door neighbor, went to Winterpast Farm and went horseback riding.

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Dark on Both Sides


Hayley spent two weeks at a great teen film workshop St. Augustine’s. 16 kids, a college professor and some of her students – they had access to the entire campus to shoot and the film department’s gear. They all really worked hard on stuff and I’m really impressed how much technical stuff they’ve done with sound, filming and photography.

Most of the time, she did still photography which can be used for checking continuity in scenes, transitions and for fun slide shows. She was lugging camera gear and her laptop all over the campus. She did makeup for a lot of the actors and then acted in one of the shorts.

In this one, she acted one plus did the makeup and blood. She doesn’t mind acting but the makeup and blood part was her favorite.

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The Kestrel Eighth grade semi-formal was really fun. Jeff and I chaperoned for much of the evening. Hayley got ready with her friend Sandra over at our house and then meet her boyfriend Andrew at the dance.

Lots more photos


Eight grade graduation


The Kestrel eighth grade graduation was really lovely, we didn’t take a ton of photos since it was rainy. Hayley got one of four scholar-athlete awards for playing three sports and keeping up her grades. High school, here she comes!

Lots more photos

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Fleetwood Mac


We drove down to Charlotte to see Fleetwood Mac, one of my favorite bands. I’ve been waiting for Stevie Nicks to tour with them again and once she agreed, I knew we had to go. Initially we were going to have to go to Atlanta to see them but they added more shows and luckily Charlotte was one of them!

Weird night in terms of the protestors out front and the drunk girls in front of us but it was still a great show! My 70s super group list is almost done – Eagles, Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac, Doobie Brothers.

Lots more photos

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UNC vs Duke – Hayley’s last ballkid assignment


After seven great years, Hayley’s run as a ballkid has come to an end. NCAA rules prohibit high school kids from being ballkids so her last game this season is the final home game of the year, UNC vs Duke. Hayley is so lucky to have had this opportunity and we send out huge thanks to Coach Sylvia Hatchell, Coach Tracey Williams-Johnson, Jane High who works in administration and all the players over the years who were so kind to our kiddo. Coach Williams-Johnson always took extra care with Hayley, often bringing her back to the locker room with her after big wins. Hayley has years of UNC autographed shoes, all done in the locker room after those games. We’ll keep those forever!

More Photos: Regular view and Slideshow view

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Hello Spring!


We had a great lowkey Easter at home. Hayley said she figured she was too old for an Easter basket but she’ll never be took old in my book.

Then we headed to the beach with my Mom, Stepdad and Aunt Cathie. It really was a wonderful trip. we got a fantastic beach house and just relaxed! Hayley spend an afternoon as an aquarium assistant down at the NC Aquarium, helping with feeding.

To round out our welcome to spring, we hit the UNC spring football game, a post-game party called The Bash and then back to campus for the 35th anniversary show of the Clef Hangers. We had our neighbors with us and for most of the day, the two kids Hayley babysits. Long but great day!

Hayley with Mason and one of the kids she babysits Alex:

Hayley with Coach Fedora at The Bash:

The Clef Hangers – 35 years of gorgeous acapella music!

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Science Fair


Hayley won her school science fair and advanced to the state regionals again this year.

She tested how effectively antibacterial/antibiotic bandaids were vs regular bandaids. Short version – antibacterial/antibiotic are MUCH better.

Her teacher said One of the EPA judges got his PhD in microbiology and was extremely impressed with Hayley’s project. He was a big advocate, not that she needed it. Overall, she was a shoe-in for 1st place. Beautiful display, excellent work all around.

You can see the judge comments on the form which include keep up the good work, you were born to be a scientist.

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Boston trip – updated with all the pics


We went to Boston for a week a couple of months ago and had a great time. It had been years since we had been back and my cousin Nicole’s wedding was the perfect excuse to catch a plane headed north. While I was raised in Chapel Hill, I was actually born in Boston where my father Tommy is from. I still have a lot of family there and this trip back was a really special time. The wedding was gorgeous and it was wonderful to spend time with everyone. I’m such a sucker for the city of Boston and its suburbs. It’s packed with history and great stuff to do. My family has such a long history with the area. With my obsession with genealogy, it made it extra fun to see some of the buildings that my family’s construction business built as early as 1895 that are still being used today. Oh and real italian food, thank goodness for that!

There were so many photos I’m going to do this in batches.

First pile, some of the aquarium photos and video clips. Hayley did a special program where you learn about the Harbor Seals and then get to work with a trainer and the seals in their enclosure. It was really amazing. Marine animals have such a special place in her heart so we were thrilled she got this chance. Of course no trip to an aquarium is complete without more photos from Hayley of whatever animals she loves – this time jellyfish and penguins.

More Aquarium Photos: Regular View or Slideshow View

(bigger version)

More Wedding Photos: Regular View or Slideshow View

Graveyard Photos: Regular View or Slideshow View

Gloucester Photos: Regular View or Slideshow View

Misc Boston Photos: Regular View or Slideshow View

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Hayley jumping on Raindrop


I love watching her jump.
