Update – March ’03


Not much to report…

  • We finished the library walls! It took four months and we think a few thousand pages but it looks great. We were both really shocked it looked so good and proud of ourselves for doing it.
  • I am converting the webpage to a content management system that I wanted to try out on some other sites I work with. We are also moving servers and domain hosts, so things might be a bit off for awhile.
  • My buddy from college Robert is headed off to the middle east. He’s normally an assistant district attorney but he’s also an Army reserve lawyer – what they need lawyers over there for, I don’t know.
  • I got a kickbutt new camera, a Nikon D100. I got two lenses, a wide angle 28-105mm and a longer 75-305mm. We are having tons of fun and we’ve already had a few shots published in newspapers.

  • Got a new TV, a Sony Wega. Dad ended up buying it for us for Christmas, so I could use my consulting check for the above camera. It is such a clear screen, amazing.
  • It’s playoff season at work and I’m whipped already trying to keep up.
  • I’ve been diagnosed as insulin resistant and having Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (they go together). I’m now taking a drug called Glucophage XR each day to help my body process insulin. I’ve evidently had this forever and it does explain a lot of things. Insulin resistant is a pre-cursor to diabetes, so I need to be careful to not end up diabetic.

    That’s about it.

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