Great photo of Buster and Molly


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Rob is in Iraq officially now


From my friend Rob:

Hey, I am Tallil, Iraq. I will be here for a while. Everything has been fine.

We are just trying to establish our office right now. The building we are in was bombed during the last gulf war and the Iraqis never rebuilt the place. Lots of work to do and we are running on generator power. Hard to get much done when it gets dark. We have the usual legal issues, plus we have been able to do some work with POWs. I will write when I chance.

I think he is here:

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Mosaic backsplash in progress


Still a bit messy and it isn’t done yet – we’ve got the first two levels of sealant down and will keep applying it until it stops absorbing. Also we are going to run a thin line of caulk in the bottom and top gap. We left that gap so the grout could expand.

And you’d have to see the rest of the kitchen to see why we used a tile with a bright blue with the countertops in a milder blue. We have a bunch of bright blue accessories in the kitchen. Plus the kitchen is huge, so the bright blue/yellow stands out.

Thanks to for the tile and help. I wish I lived in Dallas to visit them!

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SNL – Behind the Music Blue Oyster Cult


Another Will Ferrell classic… a hysterical parody of a Behind the Music for Blue Oyster Cult with Christopher Walken.

One of the things that cracks me up the most in this sketch is how close Ferrell gets to Chris Parnell to annoy him after Walken tells him to “really explore the studio space”. Not even to mention the way Ferrell’s shirt keeps riding up and poor Jimmy Fallon trying not to lose it.

Walken’s oddball nature fits this skit perfectly and Ferrell’s ability to completely lose himself in looking silly make this a classic.

And the cowbell as the focal point of the sketch? Genius.

“You’ll all be wearing gold plated diapers…”

Air Date: 4/8/00 Host: Christopher Walken

Jimmy Fallon as Bobby
Will Ferrell as Gene Frenkle
Chris Kattan as Alan
Chris Parnell as Eric Bloom
Horatio Sanz as Buck Dharma
Christopher Walken as Bruce Dickinson


Announcer: After a series of staggering defeats, Blue Oyster Cult assembled in the recording studio in late 1976 for a session with famed producer Bruce Dickinson. And, luckily for us, the cameras were rolling.

Bruce Dickinson: Alright, guys, I think we’re ready to lay this first track down. By the way, my name is Bruce Dickinson. Yes, the Bruce Dickinson. And I gotta tell you: fellas.. you have got what appears to be a dynamite sound!

Eric Bloom: Coming from you, Bruce, that means a lot.

Buck Dharma: Yeah. I mean, you’re Bruce Dickinson!

Alan: It’s incredible!

Bobby: I can’t believe Bruce Dickinson digs our sound!

Bruce Dickinson: Easy, guys.. I put my pants on just like the rest of you – one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make gold records. [ the group laughs ] Alright, here we go. “Don’t Fear the Reaper” – take one. [ exits into the control booth ]

[ the group begins to play and Gene bangs on a cowbell. ]

Eric: [ distracted by Gene banging the cowbell ] Okay! Wait! Wait! [ the group cuts off their instruments ] Bruce, could you come in here for a minute, please?

Bruce Dickinson: [ stepping out of the booth ] That was gonna be a great track. Guys, what’s the deal?

Eric: Are you sure that was sounding okay?

Bruce Dickinson: I’ll be honest.. fellas, it was sounding great. But.. I could’ve used a little more cowbell. So.. let’s take it again.. and, Gene.

Gene Frenkle: Yeah?

Bruce Dickinson: Really explore the studio space this time. I mean, really.. explore the space. I like what I’m hearing.

[ the group starts the song again, as Gene bangs more wildly onto the cowbell ]

Eric: Okay, wait! Stop! I’m sorry. Bruce, could you come back in here, please?

Bruce Dickinson: [ stepping out of the booth ] Fellas.. now, we just wasted two good tracks! That last one was even better than the first!

Eric: Well, it’s just that I find Gene’s cowbell playing distracting! If I’m the only one, I’ll shut up.

Buck Dharma: It was pretty rough..

Gene Frenkle: You know, I could pull back a little. If you’d like.

Bruce Dickinson: Not too much, though! Fellas, I’m telling you – you’re gonna want that cowbell on the track!

Gene Frenkle: You know what? It’s fine. Let’s just do this thing.

[ the band starts the song once more, with Gene banging the cowbell right next to Eric’s ear ]

Eric: [ stopping the song again, fighting Gene ] Come on, people!

Bruce Dickinson: [ running out of the booth again ] That.. that doesn’t work for me. I gotta have more cowbell!

Alan: Don’t blow this for us, Gene!

Bobby: Quit being so selfish, Gene!

Gene Frenkle: Can I just say one thing? I’m standing here, staring at Bruce Dickinson! And if Bruce Dickinson wants more cowbell, we should probably give him more cowbell! And, Bobby, you are right – I am being selfish. But the last time I checked, we don’t have a lot of songs that feature the cowbell.

Bruce Dickinson: I gotta have more cowbell, baby!

Gene Frenkle: I’ll be doing myself a disservice, and everybody in this band, if I don’t perform the hell out of this.

Bruce Dickinson: Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!

Gene Frenkle: Thanks, Bruce. But I think, maybe if I just leave.. and, maybe I’ll come back later, and we can lay down the cowbell. [ starts to leave the studio ]

Bruce Dickinson: Aw, baby..

Eric: Gene, wait! Why don’t you lay down that cowbell right now. With us. Together.

[ everyone agrees ]

Gene Frenkle: Do you mean that, Eric?

Buck Dharma: He speaks for all of us.

Gene Frenkle: Thank you.

Bruce Dickinson: Babies.. before we’re done here.. y’all are gonna be wearing gold-plated diapers.

Alan: What does that mean?

Bruce Dickinson: Never question, Bruce Dickinson! Roll it! [ exits back to booth ]

Eric: [ ready to lay the complete track down ] 1, 2, 3, 4.

[ the band starts up again. Close-up on Gene as he bangs the cowbell to freeze-frame with graphic: “In Memorium: Gene Frenkle: 1950-2000” ]

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In my house, if you get up from the couch


In my house, if you get up from your seat and disturb nap time, you come back to this:

They take your seat and look at you all pissed off 🙂

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