Photos from my friend Rob’s trip to Al Nasiriyah


My good friend Rob from college is an Army reserve lawyer stationed in Iraq. We email as often as he can – more now that the hostilities are down. I asked him to take some photos and he did!

    I put on my full battle rattle, chambered a round in my
    weapon to go meet with the most vicious Iraqis in the area, the lawyers.
    We set up a meeting with some Iraqi attorneys in Al Nasiriyah to discuss
    some real property issues which had been coming up. One of the guys we
    spoke with was the president of the local bar association. There
    practice of law is actually remarkably similar to ours. He basically
    told us that all the claims we have been receiving are bogus. It was a
    very helpful meeting.

    The funny thing is that these guys were all Ba’ath party members, but I
    think they have completely abandoned that now. There are now more than
    happy to help Americans, believe me. The whole thing about Ba’ath party
    membership will always be an issue. We will have to deal with former
    Ba’ath party members. They are the only ones who are educated and could
    actually rebuild the country. As long as we clear out the war criminals
    and show the others the … error of there ways, I think it will be OK.
    It would be like trying to run Russia without former communists. Just
    can’t be done, so do the best you can with what you have.

    These are pictures from my trip to Al Nasiriyah today. The hospital is
    the hospital where the POW Jessica Lynch was being held before U.S.
    Special Operators stormed the place and got her. The statute is one in
    the middle of the street. The ‘Al Nasiriyah 3’ is from the streets in
    the business district. Marines control the Nas, so it is a real dump.
    The mule picture is just a picture of a mule I saw. We were stopped for
    traffic and the mule looked at me, so I took his picture.

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