Why Rob doesn’t like hungry soldiers


More from Robert:

    Major Raphun, my Command Judge Advocate, gets about 2 care packages a
    day, full of food. Because of this, our office is littered with food.
    We damn near have a pantry in the corner.

    This has become an attractive nuisance. Hungry people from all around seem to come here and want food. Most just give you that uncomfortable pause. You know, they say things like “Wow that is a lot of food … (pause) … I sure am hungry … (pause) … I could really tear up some food right now … (pause)
    … You just have to let them talk, disappoint them, and then let them
    go away.

    We actually had a Captain come in and just ask for a container
    of our ‘Crystal Light.’ I was not even nice. I said “NO, WE ARE
    HORDING IT!” He looked real disappointed and wandered away. The funny
    thing is it wasn’t my ‘Crystal Light.’ I don’t even really like the
    stuff. It is just this weird survivalist mood we have lapsed into here.

    We are all like this. A riot will break out if we get an ice truck and
    someone outside our unit tries to get a bag. It would be akin to
    committing suicide around here. We are slowly devolving out here. I
    was nice to people at the beginning, but few seem to reciprocate. So
    now if you are not in my unit or section, don’t bother asking for
    anything … unless you have something to trade.
