Ghetto porch email from Rob


Funny email from Robert:

    I built a porch for the back of my tent yesterday. I am very pleased
    with it, and myself for building it. Around here, about the only thing
    you can do for fun is sit outside and look at the dirt. Behind my tent,
    we have an impressive mound of dirt. I am very proud of it and think
    that it is by and far the best dirt to stare at in the entire camp.

    The problem we have is that we get eaten alive be sand fleas. This would
    not be so bad, except the doctors around here said some of the sand
    fleas carry something called ‘leach moniasis’, which comes in two forms.
    The first causes a skin lesion, the second causes liver failure. To
    combat this problem, I decided till the ground behind the tent, put
    gravel down, and build a deck and overhang.

    I decided to do this at 11am yesterday, when it was about 115 degrees.
    Like many of my crazy ideas, once this got into my head, I had to do it, regardless
    of the consequences. So I told one of my NCOs to come meet me behind our
    tent and I got some tools. One thing I quickly realized is I am not 18 any
    more. Swinging a pick-axe in 115 degree weather is actually harder than
    it looks. But being a bonehead, I simply continued on. After leveling
    the ground, me and my NCO carted 12 buckets of gravel from a site about
    1/4 of a mile away. This helps keep dust and sand fleas down. I then
    got four pallets and two old pieces of wood and made a deck. We then
    put up some camo netting to shade the area. This took about a total of
    4 hours in the blazing heat. I was exhausted by the time we were

    Soon after completion, one of my other NCOs proclaimed that my porch was
    a ‘ghetto porch’ and she didn’t see why I was so proud. Fighting back
    the urge to cry, I informed her that my porch was not ‘ghetto’ but very
    nice. She was not impressed. At this point, I stumbled back to the
    office to get some water. By the time I got back (10 minutes later),
    this lazy sergeant in our tent was already out on the porch with his
    chair. To his credit, he thanked me for making the porch, which his fat
    ass was now sitting on. I just gave up, got my chair out, put it on
    the porch, and lit up a cigar. Ain’t Iraq great?
