Random beach photos


No cute photo this year of the three pups – they were half wet, dirty and grumpy on the beach.

Very cool mosaic at this artist coop, the horses are all over the Outer Banks and the location they are at gets to decorate them accordingly:

Another cool horse

I’m driving along and at a red light, I see some complete dumbass who ended up hang gliding over a Holiday Inn – seriously, he was way far from the hand gliding area at Jockey’s Ridge:

The house had these sun light windows that drove us crazy but the dogs loved to sleep in the warmth of them:

Jeff out front of Cape Hatteras

Another shot from Pea Island preserve (most insect infested place ever)

Two cute kids sitting in the surf:

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USO Show photos


The latest from Robert:

We had the USO show today. It was suppose to start at 1200 so we got
there about 45 minutes early to stake out a good seat. We were on the
side left side of the stage, pretty close to the front. The show was
delayed about an hour and a half, so they brought in fire trucks to hose
everyone down and keep them cool. The show was really good. I am
sending some pictures. Guess which one is my favorite. Entertainment
Tonight was out there, so you might see us on TV.
