Our big news


The big news is we have started the process to adopt a foster child.

It is a long road but one we are sure will be worth all the effort. We had a lot of options to adopt but something felt very right about helping a child here in our state who really needed parents.

After doing some research we selecting an agency, Children’s Home Society and then met them at a county open house meeting.

Our initial application was approved and we were assigned a social worker, Janice. And we met with her last week to start the process officially.

So now, we’ve got tons of paperwork to do as well as 30 hours of classes to take that start this Tuesday! Also medical, fingerprint and fire inspections too. FHEW.

Basically they’ll match us to a child who will come to live with us as a foster child and then after a certain amount of time, we’ll start the adoption process. Could take a month after we are done with classes or could take a year.

We really excited and ask for everyone to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Michelle & Jeff
