Town board wonders: Why go Wi-Fi?


Michelle gets a brief mention about WIFI stuff for the ISAB board in the Cary News, Town board wonders: Why go Wi-Fi?

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Officially licensed and approved


We are finally officially licensed foster parents with a completed home study for adoption.

This should have been done like six weeks ago but the FBI couldn’t read Jeff’s fingerprints. So he had to go through all of that a second time and wait. But we finally got the clearance which means every t is crossed and i is dotted for us.

We have already been looking at profiles of kids but this just means we could be ready to do something as soon as needed. Of course, we have specific things that we hope for in our child/children that will make our wait longer but hopefully it will be worth it.

Who knows how this will turn out – we are open to kids from 2-10, from here, from somewhere else in the US and we’d even consider international kids in the same age range. Keep us in your prayers!
