Photo Gallery: U7 soccer games


I’m going to add more photos to this story after each game…

No wins yet but the kids are having lots of fun. The entire team has signed up to play together next year for spring and fall soccer. Just a really great bunch of kids, parents and coaches.

Hayley had her first goal in a game in the Game 5 loss, 8-4. She’s really working hard and doing well!

  • Game One Photos
  • Game Two Photos

  • Game Three photos

  • Game Four photos

  • Game Five photos
  • Game Seven photos
  • Game Eight photos

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  • Random road construction photos


    For some unknown reason, we spent Easter wandering around taking photos of weird construction and road things that caught our eye.

    All shot with the Nikon D100, mostly with the longer 75-300 lens.

    Click on each photo for a bigger version of the photo (none bigger than 60k – most 460×306.
