Our wonderful day – the gift of a daughter


Today August 24th, we received word that we have been selected to adopt a wonderful six year little girl.

So today might be the best day of my life.

As most of you now, we have been trying to adopt a child/children for the past year from foster care – not to mention trying to have child for many years before. Today we were picked for a child that we wanted very badly.

She is six and just amazing – smart, funny and adorable – an angelic ball of energy.

We interviewed for her a few weeks ago and got word today that will be ours.

She will be our first and only child.

We have been so blessed.

UNC Class of 2016 here we come! [ ok, maybe class of VT 2016 to placate Jeff but that will be out of state tuition 🙂 ]


Cheerleading photos of Hayley


Photos from a few weekends ago of Hayley cheerleading – she is one of the little cheerleaders for a local team, she’s sorta a mascot cheerleader with some other little girls for a bigger girls squad.

See more photos from this set:
Regular view (easiest to find one in particular or print)
Slideshow view (easiest to see them all)

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Michelle quits job, launches web development firm


After years of working in web development for other people, Michelle has opened her own company and left iHigh fulltime.

Game Plan Development is a web development company focusing on sports web development. Game Plan Development already has an impressive list of clients including InsideCarolina, iHigh, Triangle Educational Advancement Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline Holiday Invitational, CarolinaPros and others.

Our slogan – because everyone needs a game plan online mirrors – our development focus. So often companies and foundations get a website but have no plan to make it grow and thrive. That’s where Game Plan comes in, offering a wide range of development services online and off to maximize the potential of a client’s website.

Visit: Game Plan Development

I leave iHigh feeling I gave everything I could there and I’m proud of the work I’ve done. But the extensive hours and responsibility took a toll on me – some of it was my own doing. With our adoption plans, I really needed to step back and re-evaluate how I was working and what I was doing.

I’ve always been passing on free-lance jobs and giving miminal attention to some projects I loved. When I first got into web development I didn’t know if I could make a living from it – I could. I didn’t know if I could stay employed in this field – I could. So now, I’m going one step further and doing it for myself, working on the projects I love, with people I love.

I promise you right now, charity casino night with NBA players is better than the grass at Doak field waiting for track results 🙂
