The Haircut – Hayley gets a haircut!


Hayley told me right up front early on, no real haircuts! We talked about it for a few weeks and I understood what her concerns were (a long story). As time went on, she began to notice her best friend Mason’s hair was shorter as was Mason’s mom Jenn, who she adores. And my hair is short, most of her classmates’ hair is short too. And the tangles were becoming a huge mess every morning with tears and fighting over getting them combed out. With soccer going on now, her hair the morning after practice was a mess.

So we talked a lot about it and I made sure she understood she needed a trim no matter what and she could get her hair cut just medium – not like a boy at all, not short. I asked her for 3-4 inches but poof, she decided to go all the way to chin length to be like Mason. My hairstylist Kim doesn’t do kids but since I’ve been going for eight years and she knew how special Hayley was, she was happy to do it. And Kim is fun, owns her own funky salon and is pretty – just the kind of person Hayley would be ok with cutting her hair. Glam my dears, glam all the way!

Kim gave her a chin length bob and it looks so cute!!!
Hayley loved having her hair shampooed and did really well! I was worried she wouldn’t like the hair but she LOVES it. No more tangles, it takes less than a minute to get ready in the morning and SHE does it all on her own. We rarely use detangler at all and wow has this cut down on the drying time for her hair. She loves to whip her hair around and it is so much easier playing soccer, putting on a helmet and so many other little things!

Every day with her is a gift and we just see this fun little person emerging lately that tickles us so much. Saturday night she did word flashcards and then 13 pages of math in one of the workbooks I got her – it was what SHE wanted to do!!! I said movie, she said flashcards! She perched up on my lap and we had so much fun the three of us, learning and laughing. She loves math and loves to learn. And she’s working so hard at reading, even when she stumbles, she always wants to keep reading the next time. The tantrums are going away, she’s really starting to understand the discipline and rules here and she’s been so good lately. My point… she jokingly told me it was the hair and now with the haircut she is good. Of course I laughed because she was being funny but we made sure to let her know that she is good all the way from her toes to the top of her hair, that even when she acts bad, she is still good. Of course, she rolled her eyes at me but I did get a hug and smooch out of it at least.
