Photo Gallery: Moon Shoes!


On our trip up to Blacksburg, Hayley got an early Xmas present from Grandma Sharen & Grandpa John. It was some moon shoes that you put on your feet and jump – and you can get BIG air jumping on them. Much fun was had!

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Photo Gallery: UNC-Loyola game


We lucked out and were given some wonderful seats (third row, center of the court) by Charlie, a friend from the site Michelle works at. Hayley was all dressed up in her gear – got to meet Ramses, cheerleaders and a handful of players.


David Noel with the dunk

Raymond Felton cuts in the lane so quickly

Sean May and Jawad Williams

Students on a free throw

Huddle before the free throw

Melvin Scott drains a trey

Go Heels!

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Photo Gallery: Santa and the Tree


We visited Santa on a trip through the Celebration of Lights over at Alltel, then the next day we trimmed the tree with help from Mason and Jen next door. Just some fun photos from those two events, more to come!

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