Photo: Hayley and Coach Hatchell


Hayley and I went over to Chapel Hill to see some friends at the NCHSAA offices and after headed over to UNC to the end of women’s basketball practice.

I had a good long talk with the women’s SID and they again mentioning have Hayley be a ball girl next year. Hayley was SO excited about doing that and she was just dying to run all over the court then and there.

Coach Hatchell came over for a bit and we talked about the win over Duke and how happy she is Alana Beard is gone.

So Coach asks Hayley if she is coming to camp and I said, she’s too young. Coach asked when her birthday was (she’ll be 7 in April but camp is 8 and up). So she then tells us that she’ll make an exception for Hayley as long as she can get a shot up there. I’m so excited and Hayley was thrilled.

And the coolest thing – they dropped the age for me in 1978 too! The minimum age used to be 10 but my folks asked several times for the former coach to drop it down to 8, which she finally did … but I still was only 7 and a half. They took me and kept an extra close eye on me, which meant I got to know all the players and coaches extra well. Now that’s a family tradition!

Hayley is already practicing her shot!

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Photo Gallery: Random early-mid January shots


Photos of Hayley with dress up stuff Grandma Sharen brought back from New Orleans and Hayley looking cute before school two times.

My favorite:

See more, Photo Gallery: Random early-mid January shots

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Photo Gallery: Mason’s fourth birthday party


Our next door neighbor Mason had her fourth birthday party this past Saturday and we, especially Hayley, had a wonderful time. It was a barnyard party where they watched Home on the Range, had lunch and lots of fun opening gifts.

  • Photo Gallery: Mason’s fourth Birthday party

    The photos are uploaded at as well if you want reprints.

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  • Photo Gallery: Christmas 2004


    Photos from Christmas Eve at the Renfroes and Christmas day at home.

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    Photo Gallery: UNC vs VT in hoops


    Photos from the trip up, during the game and afterwards at Grandma Sharen & Grandpa John’s house.

    Sorry I’ve been so slow in getting these up!

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