Photo Gallery: Easter eggs galore


We did Easter Eggs with our neighbor and her daughter yesterday. We started with 12 but it was too much fun so ended up doing 36 eggs for two kids – it just kept going and going. They have so many more fun kits for eggs than when I was a kid and Hayley is at the age where she can do some neat things. We decorated the trees in the front yard for fun with plastic eggs too.

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Cute photos of Hayley in late March


Hayley and I hit Headcase to see Ms Kim for a haircut. All thumbs up, just in time for Easter!

Check out those adorable pink camouflage capris!!

Princess Basketball player

Rock Star


Photo Gallery: UNC vs Coppin State women’s NCAA opening round game


Hayley and I headed over for the women’s NCAA opening round game. We lucked out – we sat next to a wonderful older lady who knew my mom and then met another fan with a son around Hayley’s age.

So we watched a great game, has some fun and some wonderful chats about my mom when she was younger with a lovely Lena Cherry. Mrs Cherry made some very cheeky comments that had me and Hayley howling with laughter.

See more photos from this set:
Regular view (easiest to find one in particular or print)
Slideshow view (easiest to see them all)

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Photos: Graves of people I love


This might be a bit odd but I took photos of the graves of people I love. Hayley and I went to the graveyard to check it out, remarkably she wasn’t afraid, just curious.

Chapel Hill Cemetery

My dear Uncle Mike who died at 29.

My aunt Melanie who died at birth.

My beloved grandparents. Grandfather Caesar (Jim) and grandmother Jeannette. (photos of them below)

Grandma Falconer’s graduation from nursing school

Granddad Falconer’s Navy photo

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Photos: The Truthtellers Club


With kids that fib (which most do at some point), a great idea that we got was the “truthtellers club”. Basically you make two boxes – one for the “truthtellers club” and one for what we call “the fibtellersclub”.

We got a ton of art supplies and two boxes. We made one wonderful and happy, the other dark and bleak. Hayley got to made the decision on what goes where, etc. I helped her with it some of course. Then you make figures of each of the people in the house with their photos.

You put it somewhere reasonably visible someone lies, you silently just move them from the “truthtellers club” to the “the fibtellers club”.

both clubs…

Liars Club…

Truthtellers Club…


Photo Gallery: Hayley up at Gimghoul Castle and her new UNC shirt


When the UNC women’s soccer game was canceled, Hayley and I wandered around Chapel Hill. We shopped and got her shirt at Shrunken Head with her name on it, we went to Gimghoul Castle and goofed off.

Gimghoul Castle in Chapel Hill on a cloudy rainy day

Ivy on a stone wall

Path with ivy and leaves

Hayley on a rock with her new purse

Hayley on the stone bench

Hayley on the stone bench closer up

Hayley on the stone bench, looking out and seeing the view

The view over the city

Hayley in her UNC shirt (21 on the side is for Jawad)

Hayley in her UNC shirt (21 on the side is for Jawad)

Back of her shirt

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Gift ideas for Hayley’s 7th Birthday


People keep asking what to get Hayley for her birthday. So I’ve start a list of things she likes and stuff I think she will like. Do me a favor, if you get something on here please let me know so I can take it off.

There is a big range on here because we have a wide range of people asking for this list. Please don’t feel like you have to get something expensive!

  • Rokenbok starter kit (at your better toy stores, I swear she loves this stuff. I have to tear her away from it at our two favorite toy stores)
  • A tea set
  • Groovy Girls carriage – she loves GG stuff in general.
  • Waterproof sneakers, pink, size 13,

  • Sandals, pink, size 13. Teva Kids K Inversion,

  • Sandals, pink size 13.
    Jumping Jacks Gelotti,

  • Youth size Lacrosse stick and balls
  • Tennis racket
  • Any of the Kids Bop CDs except #6
  • Swingset, like this one, (yes, this is a huge reach for anyone)

  • Polly Pocket – Relaxin’ Resort Rock’n Roller Coaster Hotel – she loves Polly stuff in general.
  • Turbo Twist Spelling,
  • Butterfly Garden,

  • slip and slide soccer,
  • Aqua Squirtz Wacky Soaker Ball
  • Wee Enchanted Garden Kit,
  • Crabbie Sandbox (amazon, toys r us, etc)
  • Headbands – she wears them every day!
  • Floaties for the pool
  • Thin strap silky nightgowns
  • New easy bake oven or any of the cool things to make/bake stuff (no slushie/icee stuff)
  • Magnetix


  • Brenda’s Fan club story


    A sportswriter I know from our old prep days emailed me a request about Rashad McCants’ mother, who is suffering from breast cancer. McCants as we all know is a UNC player and his younger sister Rashanda is one of the 10 best HS players in the country – and signed with UNC over TN.

    The sportswriter had written a column about Brenda Muckelvene’s battle with cancer and thought it would be wonderful to run a response column with emails from people sending good wishes to her. He wanted her to be overwhelmed by them, which is wonderful!

    So he asked me to post on the IC board about it, which I did. And he got flooded by them. You know how we do it at IC – full out.

    I too sent in a message for her … and it made the cut, whoo hoo!

    The following letters are in response to Wednesday’s story by Andrew Pearson in the Citizen-Times that gave details of Brenda Muckelvene’s battle with breast cancer. Muckelvene is the mother of University of North Carolina basketball star Rashad McCants and Asheville High School All-American Rashanda McCants. Many basketball fans who wrote letters to staff writer Andrew Pearson addressed them personally to Ms. Muckelvene.

    Read the rest: Brenda’s fan club

    And in case the archive there expires, what I said:

    Dear Brenda,

    Please know you are in the prayers of all Tar Heel fans. Breast cancer is something that seems to touch so many, and our hearts are with you on your journey through this.

    Know that by allowing your struggle to be public, you remind all women how important breast self-exams are to catching this early. You will save lives because you have opened up.

    Take care of yourself – we know you are a strong woman and a survivor.

    God bless you!

    Michelle Hillison
    Cary, NC

    I’m please to be able to say something special to a woman who has given a lot to UNC basketball but is also just a woman struggling with a disease that affects so many women.

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    Hayley starts outdoor soccer season


    Hayley started U7 CASL soccer last night – woo hoo! She is loving playing and running around the field. Practice is run by two college students who seem very enthusiastic. And the other parents seem like a nice bunch, especially the ones who are the official coaches (you have to be 21 so the college kids couldn’t coach).

    She has games every Saturday until May 12th at fields all over the area. They even got cute little real jerseys, shorts and socks. They are the Stargazers!

    Each team only has eight kids and they play 4 on 4 at the games, no refs, no goalies. So it is a fun experience.

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