Photo Gallery: First swim of the year


Grandma Sharen and her friends were staying in Raleigh at a hotel that had opened their pool so we hit the water!

And by hit the water, I meant it literally in this case.

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Photo Galleries: Easter egg hunts


Hayley did an Easter Egg hunt in the neighborhood as well as one at home. We had lots of fun at both and Hayley made out like a bandit!

She was dying to dress up for the first hunt, so she did. But for the second hunt, the one at home Easter morning, she couldn’t even get out of her pajamas before running outside!

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The first lost tooth photo!


Hayley lost her first tooth Thursday night! She was grossing us all out and I finally got her to let me yank the sucker out!

She’s got a few more loose and I’ve got way more baby oralgel 🙂


Photos from the Rat for my mom


We hit the Rat after a day of shopping for Final Four gear. I was reminded of my days of being there with mom and her stories from eating there as a kid.

So for her, we scribbled on the walls, ate garlic bread and I had the lasagna aka bowl of cheese. I took some photos with my palm but this place is way dark and shady, so they came out bad. And unfortunately, the cave part is closed.

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Photos from the Dome welcome back for UNC, 2005 Champs!!


Carolina won the 2005 NCAA Basketball tournament! NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!

Hayley and Michelle went to the Dean Dome in Chapel Hill Tuesday night to welcome back the Heels. We had tons of fun and the Dome folks were smart enough to leave half the floor wide open for kids to run around… cheer for the players, run play, cheer, run play. An IC friend of mine was there – she actually saved us great seats!

I took a ton of photos but they are kinda grainy and out of focus at times – which is what happens when you are in the stands as opposed to media section, plus you getting tons of heads interfering with focus – being short stinks. The quality of the photos wasn’t that big a deal since they are just for us and the real fun was welcoming them back!

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  • We Are The Champions – a photo slideshow with music that someone made that rocks.

  • InsideCarolina Championship game chat – I ran the in-game chats for IC all season and running chat for the championship game was an honor. We had been chatting all season and posting on the boards with some of these people for over six years. So it was a really warm, fun time and I was really excited to find that someone saved the chat from the game and sent it to me. I watched in 1982 and 1993 but my 2005 experience was even better, running the chat with my online community and having my young daughter watching and sleeping on the couch. (this R rated – normally I don’t allow cursing but I gave up when UNC won).

    By DAVE HART, N&O Staff Writer

    CHAPEL HILL — “How great is it to be a Tar Heel today?”
    The response to UNC Chancellor James Moeser’s simple question was a roar about 15,000 voices strong. It filled the Smith Center and the ears of Roy Williams’ returning basketball heroes, bringing home the 2005 NCAA Championship trophy.

    The fans were a sea of blue and white Tuesday afternoon under Dean Dome scoreboards lit with the final score of Monday night’s game: Carolina 75, Illinois 70.

    Ethan Bunch, wearing a big grin and a bib that read, “Next Stop — Carolina,” bounced a miniature basketball with his dad, Corey Bunch. Ethan, 18 months old, showed a deft touch. “Hopefully, he’ll be out here dribbling a real ball in about 2025,” said Corey Bunch, a 1999 graduate of UNC. “That’s the plan.”

    Waiting for the Tar Heels to arrive, three times the crowd erupted in cheers. Three times they died down. False alarm. Finally, though, a roar grew and just kept growing.

    Sean May was the first player out of the tunnel. Dressed in a sharp black suit, the most valuable player of the Final Four filmed the scene with a hand-held video camera. Climbing the steps onto the temporary stage, he was followed by the rest of the team, Williams and the assistant coaches. Forward David Noel carried the trophy.

    “Just in case you missed it last night when Sean grabbed that last rebound,” said Woody Durham, the voice of the Tar Heels on the Tar Heel Sports Network and the emcee of the celebration, “Carolina has won the national championship!”

    Williams’ voice, already raspy with exertion, caught with emotion as he talked about the three senior Tar Heels — Jackie Manuel, Jawad Williams and Melvin Scott — who had suffered through the Tar Heels’ 8-20 season three years ago and had now climbed to the pinnacle of their sport.

    “After the game, Jackie and Jawad and Melvin were hugging and saying a little prayer,” Roy Williams said. “They allowed me to join in that. That — and I mean this from the bottom of my heart — that was the greatest moment as a coach that you could possibly have.”

    Shari Stewart remembers that losing season. But she kept her head up and continued to wear her Carolina sweats and T-shirts.
    “People made fun of us,” said Stewart, a UNC alum who lives with her family in Pikeville. “But I told them a true fan wears the colors through the bad times as well as the good ones.”

    Now, the times are very, very good. Stewart, with her husband and three children, made the two-hour trip to Chapel Hill on Tuesday afternoon to join thousands of other fans in welcoming the Tar Heels and their trophy home from St. Louis.

    Almost every member of the team said a few words of thanks and encouragement, and the crowd roared the same back at them.

    May, a junior who turned 21 Monday, was treated to a ragged rendition of “Happy Birthday” and a chant of, “One more year! One more year!”

    He gave the fans what they were asking for. “Y’all don’t have to worry about me staying,” he said. “I just have to try to get some of these other guys to come back with me.”
    Junior Rashad McCants, who was reported earlier Tuesday to be headed for the NBA draft, said nothing about that report — although for those looking for signs, it might be noted that he was the only player not wearing a jacket or sport coat.

    After the Tar Heels thanked the crowd — and treated them to a quick song by what forward David Noel called the Traveling Tar Heel Basketball Championship Choir — the players, coaches and fans all watched a 13-minute highlight video of Monday’s championship game.

    Then, to yet another roar, they filed back off the stage, carrying the championship trophy.

    “Thank you!” one fan yelled over and over. “Thank you! Thank you!”

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