Hillison descendant line


The Hillison line from when his ancestor Oman arrived in the US from Norway to Hayley. Oman, born in 1814, arrived in the US and settled in IL. We visited his grave this summer.

Father-mother, child that line came from:

Halge Digranes and Britta Maakestad, parents of Oman Hillison, who came to America from Norway.

Oman Hillison – Catherine Reinhart, parents of William Henry Hillison

William Henry Hillison – Anna Roth, parents of John Henry Hillison

John Henry Hillison – Anne Seeback, parents of Howard H. Hillison

Howard H. Hillison – Edna Reid, parents of John Howard Hillison

John Howard Hillison – Sharen Lefferson, parents of Jeffrey Thomas Hillison

Jeffrey Thomas Hillison – Michelle Donahue, parents of Hayley Hillison

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Photo Gallery: Michelle’s folks May visit


My mom was wonderful and a huge help, and it was just a great great time – we snuggled a lot, laughed, shopped and just goofed off. My stepdad brought Hayley a few clubs and they worked on golf – since he is a golf pro, he was in seventh heaven to play with a grandchild.

They left this morning to go back to St. Simons Island GA, as mom, Hayley and I cried our eyes out.

Best early mother’s day present I could have gotten – my mom and my daughter together. God they had so much fun together and my heart is happy.

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Photo Gallery: Hayley turns 7!


Just some of the photos from Hayley’s birthday party at Birdie Putt Putt. We had a wonderful time! The kids were all so well behaved, the pizza was great and the cake was wonderful. She got tons of cute gifts and had a blast.

Kids in attendance: Gabby, Olivia, Yannette, Bailey, Gregory, Kaveen, Mason, Ashley, Clair (altho she is really mostly as adult at 13). Adults – Mom and Dad, Grandma Sharen, Uncle Jay, Grandpa Tom, Aunt Angie, Jenn (Mason’s mom), Sanjai (Kaveen’s dad).

Listen up kids

Hayley opening gifts – I love homemake cards!

Hayley blowing out the candles as Gregory cheers

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