Photo Gallery: Mom and Dad’s trip to Southern Pines


My Mom and Dad came up to Pinehurst/Southern Pines from St. Simons Island Georgia to visit and look around.

Since it was just a short hour trip down for us and Hayley was off school, we headed down to hang out with them. We ended up staying an extra day and Jeff even drove down for the last night.
We checked out the sites, the lovely golf courses, the quaint village, ate some good food and played some silly games. It was great to see them because I miss them so much.


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Stuff Hayley wants for 2005 Christmas


I’m posting this list mostly to keep track of what she wants but I figure it will be of some help to the rest of the family too! If you do end up getting her something from this list, let me know so I can mark it off.

Hayley’s Xmas list (a work in progress)

  • Polly Pockets anything – more the merrier
  • Groovy Girls – more the merrier
  • Playdough – playdough kitchen stuff especially
  • Spongebob version of the game of Life
  • One of those big exercise theraband balls
  • She still likes her Leapster but needs new games outside of the k-1 level ones she has. 2nd grade ones, especially math, spiderman, etc.
  • Collegiate Striped Rugby Dress size 7/small, navy/gray
  • Collegiate Striped Rugby size 7/small, pink/navy

  • Green Machine

  • The Incredibles (Widescreen 2-Disc Collector’s Edition)
  • Girls’ Buckle Boots 13 Brown
  • Dress up play outfits (princess and all that but cop, firefighter would be cool too. Some vet stuff would be AWESOME, she loves that.)
  • Kids play cell phone
  • New printer for upstairs computer – HECK new computer since sound doesn’t work!
  • Lava lamp – old one broke some
  • Extra candeloos – pink ones this time.
  • Big version of Robosapien
  • small digital camera
  • Games – like anything by Cranium, especially Family Fun.
  • Sponge Bob Krabby Patty Station Grill Kitchen


  • Photo Gallery: Ninja battle at our house


    Ninja Jeff battles Ninja Hayley… Hayley uses her secret weapon – straws and a crazed beagle.

    They aren’t really ninjas but just my two sweeties in their new long underwear. With the UNC-VT football game at VT at 8pm at night, I hit REI to get them both a ton of new cold weather gear. Their long underwear coupled with Jeff’s balaklava made them both look like ninjas – although Jeff looked like a burglar and even scared me a bit once.

    They have a ninja battle for me and then we discovered the dogs just tore the heck out of the bed in the library. We go through dog beds every other month but rarely this dramatically. Hayley thought it was hysterical and Buster was so hyped up by her squeals and the ninja madness, he actually knocked her down wanting to play when she went to the bed with the stuffing out and then he tried to eat her hat. None of us could stop laughing at that point…

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    Photo Gallery: Hayley at UNC Kids Club Basketball day


    We had a great time at the UNC Kids Club men’s basketball private practice and autograph session. They gave the kids UNC basketball goal and ball for their rooms, then we got to watch an hour of practice, had free drinks and Hayley and a bunch of people took a ton of free cups – like 30! So we’ll have those plastic blue cups from this season for a very long time.

    Then all of the players signed autographs for awhile. Hayley had them sign her basketball jersey from this year (her league jersey) and her basketball. I could have had her do something more organized but let her have fun and be silly.

    Pizza and ice cream for dinner out on the steps of the Dean Dome, we played catch and she goofed off climbing stuff … until we were the last to leave. Reminded me of when I was a kid hanging out around UNC, just playing.

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    Baby/toddler photos of Hayley!


    Hayley’s birthgrandmother has been so wonderfully kind as to send us some baby photos of Hayley! I really am so amazed by her generosity. I’ve got about ten more photos but they have other people in them (birthgrandmother and birthmother) so I won’t post them. But I’m posting these as we scan them in!


    Photos from team basketball photoshoot


    Our future WNBA star in her official individual and team photos for the 2005 Town of Cary Spurs.

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    Mention in article


    My dear friend Bryan (seen in many vacation photos) mentioned me in an article he wrote that was in about 10 papers across the state. It was short mention but one that gave me a pat on the back in a way only a few of us would understand.

    Link: NCHSAA to release prep football playoff brackets today

    Fans who want to see where their team will be playing in the first round can log onto today. In past years, the brackets have been released first on, but the NCHSAA – which has been easing away from ihigh following the resignation of N.C. director Michelle Hillison – will use their own site this year.

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    Photos: Halloween 2005


    We went nuts for Halloween. Strobe light, fog machine, tons of sensor things (you walk by and they scream), bloody doors, spider webs everywhere, ghost in the trees, luminaries in the yard. I missed a lot of cool things to get photos of – mostly the glowing light/sensor stuff but oh well!

    Hayley and her friends did a lot of it and I didn’t even care that stuff looked so nutty, it was charming! People loved it – some people were even taking photos with their cell phones of their kids and the Mummy. Little kids couldn’t handle all the noise and fog

    It was so fun. I stayed out on the porch working some of the toys to freak people out. It is our tradition to give out glow stick bracelets and necklaces with the candy, so I did those too.

    Hayley pretty much went nuts. She had a friend sleepover and three other neighborhood kids ask to Trick-Treat with her. I was so happy for her to have people want to go with her and then everyone come over to her house. We got pizzas for us, her friend and her mom and out next door neighbors came over too.
    Next year, I’m just going to plan on throwing an after-party for everyone!

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    Photo Gallery: Late Night with Roy



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