Photos: Halloween 2005


We went nuts for Halloween. Strobe light, fog machine, tons of sensor things (you walk by and they scream), bloody doors, spider webs everywhere, ghost in the trees, luminaries in the yard. I missed a lot of cool things to get photos of – mostly the glowing light/sensor stuff but oh well!

Hayley and her friends did a lot of it and I didn’t even care that stuff looked so nutty, it was charming! People loved it – some people were even taking photos with their cell phones of their kids and the Mummy. Little kids couldn’t handle all the noise and fog

It was so fun. I stayed out on the porch working some of the toys to freak people out. It is our tradition to give out glow stick bracelets and necklaces with the candy, so I did those too.

Hayley pretty much went nuts. She had a friend sleepover and three other neighborhood kids ask to Trick-Treat with her. I was so happy for her to have people want to go with her and then everyone come over to her house. We got pizzas for us, her friend and her mom and out next door neighbors came over too.
Next year, I’m just going to plan on throwing an after-party for everyone!

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