Photo Gallery: Hayley at UNC Kids Club Basketball day


We had a great time at the UNC Kids Club men’s basketball private practice and autograph session. They gave the kids UNC basketball goal and ball for their rooms, then we got to watch an hour of practice, had free drinks and Hayley and a bunch of people took a ton of free cups – like 30! So we’ll have those plastic blue cups from this season for a very long time.

Then all of the players signed autographs for awhile. Hayley had them sign her basketball jersey from this year (her league jersey) and her basketball. I could have had her do something more organized but let her have fun and be silly.

Pizza and ice cream for dinner out on the steps of the Dean Dome, we played catch and she goofed off climbing stuff … until we were the last to leave. Reminded me of when I was a kid hanging out around UNC, just playing.

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