Photo Gallery: The puppy comes home!


Weighing in at 1 lb, 13 oz, Annabelle came home to drive us all insane! She is a playful feisty puppy who just so amazingly small we are paranoid about losing her! Hayley is being a great help and I’m proud of her.


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Photo Gallery: Hayley at Tae Kwon Do


Hayley breaking her first real wooden board on her first try and then graduating from white belt to orange belt.



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Photo Gallery: Visiting the puppy


We went to visit the puppy Annabelle on Thursday at the absolutely wonderful breeder out in Zebulon. She is just adorable and it was love at first snuggle! We played with her for about an hour, the silly little thing is rather sweet but very fiesty! She loves chew on blankets, nibble on our fingers and flipflops and generally scamper around.

She is just so small – she can’t weight more than three pounds. We played with her littermate sister, saw her other littermates, mom and dad. Mom Daisy is a red mini-doxie, dad Levi is a black and tan like Sam and both are very attractive friendly dogs.

Just over eight weeks ago, Annabelle (or Belle for short) will be ready to come home next Friday!

I’m posting my favorites here but there is a link on the bottom to the full photo gallery.

Puppy kisses

Two cute girls

Please refrain from eating Hayley’s hair!

Puppy tummy!

Annabelle and her litter mates!

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My anniversary gift!


Today (08-08) is our 8th wedding anniversary. I know I know… all those eights (including the 8 year old sweetiepie Hayley), we need to go play the lottery with eights. Normally we like to buy a joint gift for the family. Imagine my surprise when there was a card from my adorable husband Jeff with a website address inside!

Inside the sweet card was a link to a powerpoint presentation that had photos of my (our) gift … a mini-dachshund puppy! She won’t be ready to come home until next week so Jeff made a cute little presentation with photos of her and funny quips (have I mentioned how much I love my silly sweet husband?). She is eight weeks old to boot – another eight!

She is so cute and tiny – she won’t get much bigger than 10 or 11 pounds full grown! She is red and smooth haired. We are going to visit her this week and then bring her home next week.

We haven’t picked out a name yet – Jeff wants to call her Petunia but that doesn’t really sit too well with me. Hayley wants Ivory after Ivory Latta or Matilda because she adores that movie. I like Betsy or Mia. Hayley and I like Annie as well also she likes Belle after one of the princesses. We’ll keep thinking until we can find something we all agree on.

UPDATE: Hayley has decide the puppy will be named Annabelle. We’ll decide when we meet her if she is an Annabelle, Annie or a Belle! She of course made me go to a pet store today and get a pink collar with rhinestones 🙂

I turned the powerpoint presentation into a pdf to put it on our server. Here it is: The cute presentation of the newest Hillison.

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