Photo Gallery: Visiting the puppy


We went to visit the puppy Annabelle on Thursday at the absolutely wonderful breeder out in Zebulon. She is just adorable and it was love at first snuggle! We played with her for about an hour, the silly little thing is rather sweet but very fiesty! She loves chew on blankets, nibble on our fingers and flipflops and generally scamper around.

She is just so small – she can’t weight more than three pounds. We played with her littermate sister, saw her other littermates, mom and dad. Mom Daisy is a red mini-doxie, dad Levi is a black and tan like Sam and both are very attractive friendly dogs.

Just over eight weeks ago, Annabelle (or Belle for short) will be ready to come home next Friday!

I’m posting my favorites here but there is a link on the bottom to the full photo gallery.

Puppy kisses

Two cute girls

Please refrain from eating Hayley’s hair!

Puppy tummy!

Annabelle and her litter mates!

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