Photo Gallery: Carolina Beach


The end of the summer was nearing so we had to make one last trip to the beach – especially before the puppy arrived.

We didn’t even leave the hotel – thank you beachfront hotel with pool, room service, movie rentals and convenience store! Hayley made me watch some of the oddest shows – like The Contender and then Project Runway, back to back. Odd but I loved it because she is following her own beat despite what anyone thinks.

Photos from playing on the beach and at the aquarium. (These are from about 2 weeks ago).



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Photo Gallery: Couple of shots before school


Hayley has looked so cute several mornings before school this week that I’ve had to just grab the camera and snap a few shots before we head out to school.

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Photo Gallery: More pup photos


More Annabelle puppy photos … can you tell we are hopelessly in love with this pup?!?! More cute photos from her third month including ones with Jeff, Hayley and Buster. Hayley found one of her stuffed animals was a twin to Annabelle, which was very funny!

A few of my favorites, link to the full gallery of photos below…

Tired from a long day of frolicking


I am so cute and I know it.

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Photo Gallery: Grandparent’s breakfast at school


Hayley’s school has a grandparents/special person breakfast as school twice a year. This year Jeff’s folks were coming down for the UNC-VT game that weekend, so they were able to go.

Hopefully next time they have this breakfast, Hayley will be able to bring even more people with her because the more love she gets, the better. And there is nothing better than grandparents!


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What’s up with Hayley (updated)


Now that we have more and extended members of Hayley’s birth/first family visiting the site and emailing, I’m not going to be sending the regular letters and photos to everyone as I did before since all the photos are here.

Every other month or so, I’m going to do an update on her for everyone. It will be in adobe pdf format, so it can be easily printed and sent out to relatives without access to the site or computers, as well as put in life or memory books for others.

I’ll keep adding them to this page as new ones come out.

The updates are posted in pdf format (Portable Document Format), which looks and prints the same on any computer when opened with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. To view them you need the free adobe acrobat reader program, download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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Photo: Annabelle and Buster napping


Annabelle says, “I sleep with the big doggie!”

She loves Buster and Molly, following after them wanting to play and bite their tails. We are very happy Buster is accepting her happily!

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