Photo Gallery: Panther game photos


I’ve taken photos from all of the games so far this season for the Panthers 8-9 Town of Cary team. The photos are not great – lighting in gyms like this coupled with floor glare are rough. This gallery is just ones of just Hayley.

The photo below I adore – she had six points (3-3 shooting), three steals and did so many little things right on defense and offense. She set two nice picks and she figured out how to switch to backpedaling to cut off a fastbreak – those things pleased me as much as the scoring. This is an 8-9 team and she is one of the youngest and 2nd to the smallest on the team.

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Photo Gallery: Maw Maw Jenny & Aunt Regina visit


We were really luck to have a chance to have Hayley’s birthfather’s mom and sister visit. Maw Maw Jenny and Aunt Regina were passing through the area and dropped by to see Hayley and share photos with her. It was a lovely visit and they are really nice people. Hayley is lucky to have more people join her life who want nothing more to know and love her in a healthy way.

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Photo Gallery: Great-Grandma Faye’s visit


Great-Grandma Faye, Grandma Sharen and Uncle Jay came down for a visit this weekend. They got spend some time with us and to see Hayley’s final soccer game of the season.

Great-Grandma Faye hadn’t met Hayley yet so this was a lovely treat. She flew down from IL to VA, and then Sharen and Jay drove down to NC with her. It was a gorgeous day to be outside and watch soccer with family.

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Photos: Couple of photos before Lion King


I had to have Jeff snap a few photos before we left for the Broadway South production of Lion King, which was absolutely amazing!!! Me, Hayley and Jeff’s mom Sharen went and had a wonderful time.

(notice the puppy tugging on my skirt!)

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Photo Gallery: Dachshund Day Celebration


Last weekend, we headed over to Weaver Street Market in Carrboro because they were having a Dachshund Day Celebration on their front law. Hilarity abounded as Annabelle was the star of the day and even co-winner of the limbo contest!


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Article about Michelle & her old site: The (slow & mostly painful) death of


My dear friend Bryan is a sports editor at the newspaper in Kinston. He writes a blog on the paper and a recent one entitled the The (slow & mostly painful) death of was about me and the company I used to work for before quitting to work for myself and parent Hayley.

I adore Bryan and regular readers might know him from several years of beach trip photos/stories and basketball tournament photos. I’ve known him since the days when I ran

There were some really nice comments on his blog too about the site, which really made me happy as well. My work there was something I was deeply passionate about for many years but leaving it was for the best in so many ways.

The (slow & mostly painful) death of

By Bryan C. Hanks

A few years ago, a good friend of mine — Michelle Donahue Hillison from Raleigh – started the site in our state. For several years, it was THE site to go to when you wanted to know what was going on statewide in prep sports. Every school was represented on the site with scores, schedules, news, etc., by local sports writers and writers from within each individual school.

Most of that — heck, all of that — was due to the hard work Michelle put into the site. I know for a fact that she worked sometimes 18-20 hours a day to make the premier prep sports site in N.C.

For a time, the ihigh folks supported her, too. She was able to hire writers from all over the state (myself, Chris Hobbs from Hickory, Langston Wertz from Charlotte, Charles Alston from Rocky Mount, among many others) to write for her.

When the Internet explosion started to die down a couple of years ago, the money dried up, too. She was unable to keep the writers and the site started to die.

But she kept working hard and procured agreements from newspapers all over the state to use their stories on the site. That worked for a while.

She finally decided she was ready to go in a different direction and now runs her own sports consulting business in the Triangle that is – by the way – going strong. But ihigh has continued to plug along, sometimes painfully.

Well, sound the death bells for Today, the site has moved along to more of a teeny-bopper “entertainment-type” site that pretty much forgets sports altogether.

You know what? Good riddance. Arnold Solomon’s took over the mantle as best prep site in N.C. after Michelle left ihigh and it is the place you have to go if you want to know what other fans and coaches are thinking throughout North Carolina.

The powers-that-be at should be ashamed of the way they ruined a great Web site.

Forget them. Support

Bryan’s Blog on the Kinston Free Press website.

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