Photo Gallery: Hayley asleep with Buster and Annabelle


When I work late downstairs sometimes Hayley wanders down around midnight. She wants me to take her up to bed with me, so I told her to wait just a minute so I could finish. Hayley snuggled right up with the pups and they were so adorable, I grabbed the camera.

I love her legs over Buster and Annabelle in the crook of her arm. Only a kid could lay that way, in her footie PJs. In the link to the photos below, you can see Annabelle wake up and ignore me all together, then Hayley wake up too.

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Photos: Happy Turkey Day


Couple of photos of the family as Thanksgiving was ended. I keep hoping to take more photos but that’s tough from in the kitchen. Of course most of the photos would be of the guys watching football or everyone eating!

back row: Jeff, Gordon (my dad). next row: Sharen (Jeff’s mom), John (Jeff’s dad) and then Joanne (my mom). next row: Jay (Jeff’s brother), next row: Cathie (my aunt) and then lowest row: Hayley.

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Photos: Hayley with her basketball trophy; Team photo


The basketball season is over for the 8-9 Panthers. They were undefeated and league winners for the 2nd season (our first since Hayley is just 8). Hayley got her trophy and award at a party last week.

Hayley got the team Hustle award and her coaches said she was the scrappiest kid they had seen in several years. They continued with they could always count on her for tough defense and coming up with layups just when they needed a score.

It was a great season for Hayley, learning to play with much bigger kids and the fun of playing with all girls for the first time.

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Photo Gallery: Annabelle perching on Michelle


The adult here (moi) is trying to work – yes, I works on the couch in shorts with no shoes on but still, it is work and pays well. Add in a small dog who craves attention and my shoulder as well as a third-grader who wants my attention and my camera. So we end up with this series of photos that made me laugh.

Do you think Annabelle has some code suggestions for me?


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Photo Gallery: Halloween


Halloween was a blast. All the prep work was worth it! We didn’t get many photos of the house that night but we did in the days before. Three themes – House Decorations, Hayley & friends and Annabelle as a Hula girl.


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Photo Gallery: Hayley starts horseback riding lessons


Photos from riding lessons from last week. Mason from next door came along to check out the stable as well. They are both so cute.

Hayley can now handle the horse basically on her own as well as ride bareback. She is definitely in a horse-y stage, she’d spent every day at the stable if she could!


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Hayley on TV and we missed it!


A friend emailed us to tell us that Hayley was on the evening news on WTVD 11. We are trying to get a copy of it or see if they re-air the footage. It was just from her classroom at school, background for a school bonds story.

Of course Hayley didn’t even mention it! Who forgets to mention a TV crew in your classroom?!?! I guess she was just so engrossed in learning, hahaha.

The email…
Did you see the ABC News channel 11 this morning or last night at 11 ?
They were doing a story about the voting for the bond and the cameras must have come to school yesterday to tape our kids in the classroom and I saw Hayley in Ms. Hall’s class.
They showed Ms. Hall and then had a great shot of Hayley at her desk.
You might be able to see if again at noon and maybe again tonight because they are having a meeting at Green Hope High School about the bond so they may show it again.
They may even have it available online for you view.
I thought you would like to know in case they didn’t tell you she would be on TV.

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Playing with photos: Our family trees in the backyard


We planted two trees on the day Hayley arrived, November 3rd. She was so small then that she got almost fit in the hole if she sat down! The magnolias, slow growers in general, may not be as lush as when they were planted but they are definitely bigger, stronger and growing well on November 3rd 2006.


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