Photo Gallery: Annabelle perching on Michelle


The adult here (moi) is trying to work – yes, I works on the couch in shorts with no shoes on but still, it is work and pays well. Add in a small dog who craves attention and my shoulder as well as a third-grader who wants my attention and my camera. So we end up with this series of photos that made me laugh.

Do you think Annabelle has some code suggestions for me?


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Photo Gallery: Halloween


Halloween was a blast. All the prep work was worth it! We didn’t get many photos of the house that night but we did in the days before. Three themes – House Decorations, Hayley & friends and Annabelle as a Hula girl.


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Photo Gallery: Hayley starts horseback riding lessons


Photos from riding lessons from last week. Mason from next door came along to check out the stable as well. They are both so cute.

Hayley can now handle the horse basically on her own as well as ride bareback. She is definitely in a horse-y stage, she’d spent every day at the stable if she could!


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