Photos: Happy Turkey Day


Couple of photos of the family as Thanksgiving was ended. I keep hoping to take more photos but that’s tough from in the kitchen. Of course most of the photos would be of the guys watching football or everyone eating!

back row: Jeff, Gordon (my dad). next row: Sharen (Jeff’s mom), John (Jeff’s dad) and then Joanne (my mom). next row: Jay (Jeff’s brother), next row: Cathie (my aunt) and then lowest row: Hayley.

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Photos: Hayley with her basketball trophy; Team photo


The basketball season is over for the 8-9 Panthers. They were undefeated and league winners for the 2nd season (our first since Hayley is just 8). Hayley got her trophy and award at a party last week.

Hayley got the team Hustle award and her coaches said she was the scrappiest kid they had seen in several years. They continued with they could always count on her for tough defense and coming up with layups just when they needed a score.

It was a great season for Hayley, learning to play with much bigger kids and the fun of playing with all girls for the first time.

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