Hayley the photographer!


Tuesday night Hayley got the chance to shoot the Carolina men’s basketball game against Tennessee State sitting down on the baseline with the professional photographers. It was an amazing night, Jeff and I were just excited for her to have such a cool experience. Watching her down there was really fantastic.

She took my Nikon and did a great job. When we got home, I looked at the photos — they turned out to be even better than we expected, some are really quite good. She really does have a nice eye for what a good photograph looks like.

Hayley shooting:

I have a dear friend who is editor of the newspaper in Kinston, which is the hometown of a UNC player Reggie Bullock. Bullock was injured last season and last night, he had a fantastic game. I showed him the photos and he asked if the newspaper could use the Reggie photo she took.

So at 13, Hayley has her first published photo: http://www.kinston.com/articles/chapel-78079-victory-hill.html. Update And then Bryan followed up and mentioned how good they were in his blog, Blogging with Bryan C. Hanks with a link to all of them.

I think this one is my favorite photo:

See all of her action photos:
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Busy weekend!


Friday night was the opening night of Twilight Breaking Dawn part I so I took Hayley and a bunch of her friends.

Then Saturday was the last home bout of the year for the Carolina Roller Girls so we headed out to roller derby and brought Mason along with us.

More photos from this set:
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Hayley had riding on Sunday so I snapped some pics of her at the barn. Some of you know, a few months ago we made the tough decision to switch stables and disciplines (from Saddlebred to English hunter/jumper). She’s now riding at Chadale Farms and we are all thrilled with the change, especially Hayley. She’s having a lot of fun and recently started going over really low cross rails so she’s on her way to jumping!

(Sidenote: I had my camera in the car because IC photographer extraordinaire Jim Hawkins called me with some tips for shooting in the Dean Dome because Hayley will be on PRESS ROW Tuesday night SHOOTING the UNC men’s basketball game!)

More photos from this set (which has some cell pix from the week before at riding too)
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Photos of Hayley by Graham Morrison


Several years ago we met a fantastic young photographer named Graham Morrison through our love of Leslie and the Lys. And by fantastic I mean gifted and creative – a legit talent. We’ve been kicking around having him take some photos of Hayley and we finally managed to get that together over the summer. We’ve both been swamped so I’m just getting around to posting them all. He’s going to do another set over the winter, can’t wait to see them.

He’s working down in Charlotte now, you may have seen his work in Creative Loafing – even some cover shots. If you need a photographer in Charlotte or Winston-Salem, check the guy out. He’s as nice as he is good which is rare these days.

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Gordon Perry, Guest Columnist


My stepdad Gordon Perry was recently a Guest Columnist in the Durham Herald-Sun talking about the Hillandale Golf Course, which has been facing tough times. I’d link to the article but the Herald-Sun website has a lot of areas that aren’t updated. So instead here is a link to the scan of it, Hillandale was home to PGA Stars.

He’s still doing research on Hillandale and on Finley Golf Course in Chapel Hill, especially about the earlier golf course there. If you have info to share with him, drop me an email and I’ll get you connected to him.

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What a Halloween scene! The highlight was hitting the insane haunted house in Snow Camp, the Original Hollywood Horror Show. As most of you know, we are horror nuts and love to be scared. So we made the hour drive to be scared out of our minds in the best haunted house around. It was well worth the drive! The bonus of the night was the site was a shoot for a vampire movie earlier in the week and some of the actors hung around – including Michael Welch (Mike Newton in Twilight!!) and Johnny Pacar (Damon in Make it or Break it and Jackson in Flight 29 Down). OMG – an actor from Twilight (he’s the local guy from town who asks Bella out early on and stays her friend) and Johnny Pacar… Hayley has loved both of his tv shows. Johnny hugged her and she swore she wouldn’t wash it for weeks.

The guys were hysterical hams before the haunted house

and great with Hayley

What a messy Halloween – it rained when we went pumpkin picking and rained all Halloween. Didn’t stop the girls from going out for candy of course. Hayley’s friend Mia came over again and Mason went with them on their candy run.

Picking pumpkins

Tired post-trick or treating

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A few weeks ago Hayley got her braces on! She’s been dying to get them but she was less thrilled when they were actually on. At her next appointment, she’ll get to pick colored bands – she can changed the colors of the braces each appointment. We love her orthodontist Henry Zaytoun and his staff– I actually roomed with one of his sisters at a high school summer program.

See a few more photos from the first couple of days she had them on:
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Slideshow view (easiest to see them all)
