Clef Hangers!


We found out the Clef Hangers were coming to Raleigh for a show and we had to get tickets for us and some of Hayley’s friends! The Clef Hangers are one of the most recognized and honored collegiate a cappella groups in the county (you might remember Anoop from American Idol a few years ago – he was a Clef and they appeared on the show several times). We normally go see them on campus. They sing a wide range of stuff, some gorgeous vocal stuff but also some fun stuff – their versions of Africa and Carolina on my Mind are simply breathtaking and we also love their song Blue & White.

Cute girls:

In action

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Roy Williams Live with the new football staff


Hayley and I went to Roy Williams Live when we heard new UNC football coach Larry Fedora would be making a surprise appearance a few weeks ago. Coach Fedora and his entire new staff showed up, just days after arriving in Chapel Hill.

Hayley lucked out and got Coach Fedora plus Coach Williams, new AD Bubba Cunningham and a couple of basketball players to sign her sweatshirt. After the event when we were chatting with Coach Fedora he said they’d been holed up in the football center working and the autograph to Hayley was his first autograph as the new UNC coach since he had moved to NC and officially started the job. How cool is that! I had done a ton of work during this football coaching search for IC so I felt like I knew the man already, haha. After the event, we drove by the football stadium and noticed it was open so we snuck in for a quick peek!

More photos from this set:
Regular view (easiest to find one in particular or print)
Slideshow view (easiest to see them all)

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Holiday Invitational photos


For a number of years I was the media director for the Holiday Invitational Basketball tournament. It’s a great event but eventually it was too taxing on me because the event was three to four days nonstop between Christmas and New Years – just too much work to manage a family Christmas and whatever UNC games were going on at the same time. I left things in good hands, my dear friend Bryan Hanks took over and has done a great job the past few years. This year, we decided to catch a few games for fun and Bryan was nice enough to give Hayley a media pass to shoot.

Hard at work

Love the composition

More photos from this set:
Regular view (easiest to find one in particular or print)
Slideshow view (easiest to see them all)

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Drag Bingo


We posted in February of last year about Hayley and I having an awesome time at Drag Bingo. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it is Drag Queens and Bingo, joined together as a fantastic fundraiser for the Alliance of AIDS Services. They alternate drag performances with a round of bingo.

We had so much fun we started going regularly, bringing our friends and making new ones there. It’s a great event, we sit with friends with kids too. We’ve run into others we know, friends, teachers, all sorts of families and people. It isn’t for everyone and maybe some people find it shocking that we take our friends but it’s never too young to teach tolerance and it’s a damn good fun time.

More photos from these sets:

>>April (slideshow view) (detailed view)

>>June (slideshow view) (detailed view)

>>Aug (slideshow view) (detailed view)

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