Onward to eighth grade!


It was a tough but really good year for Hayley. She made honor roll both the third and fourth quarter (so 2nd semester too), she had her science fair wins and she got a Math award for having the 2nd highest math EOG improvement in her grade/track.

She’s having friends over tomorrow (the final day of school) and we are headed to Frankie’s Fun Park for them to celebrate the end of the year.

We are really proud of her and hope 8th grade is successful too. Time to start researching at high schools for the year after next as the application windows are normally start midway through the 8th grade year. (oh who am I kidding, I’ve been researching them for awhile)


John Ford Coley & Byron Hill


I am unabashed fan of 70s music and Friday night we headed out to Winston-Salem to see one of my all-time favorites – John Ford Coley. Coley along with England Dan had a ton of hits including Love Is The Answer, I’d Really Love To See You Tonight, Never Have To Say Goodbye Again, Nights Are Forever Without You and Sad To Belong to name a few. Love Is The Answer is my favorite song of all time so I was just thrilled to get to hear him live, even Jeff and Hayley were excited because they’ve listened to his stuff so much they love it too.

It was fantastic. Small intimate venue with John Ford Coley and an amazing country songwriter named Byron Hill alternating songs and stories – they were a great combo. We were 10 feet from the stage, got to talk to them, get autographs and take photos. As fun as hearing songs I loved from Coley, we were totally charmed by Hill who evidently has written something like 600 songs recorded by others, including 30 top-ten country songs. I’m not a country fan so he was new to me but he sang a number of his songs that went to #1 and I was downloading them by the end of the night.

John Ford Coley in concert from michelle hillison on Vimeo.

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Jeff’s Grandma turns 89


How cute is Jeff’s Grandma Faye with her birthday cake?

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A few spring Carolina photos


Still have a backlog of photos but I’m catching up!

Hayley with UNC’s John Henson

Hayley on ballgirl duty for Senior Night, UNC-Duke

(she was excited to break in new hightops and get them signed by Henson, Barnes and Danny Green)

Hayley shooting the UNC Spring Football Game

Hayley with new UNC Coach Larry Fedora at the IC Bash after the UNC Spring Game

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Hayley’s Christmas present to Uncle Jay was a paintball experience down at Black River Paintball. They both came back having taken a shot in the neck but really no worse for wear. They do look pretty badass!

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Hayley turns 14


For her 14th birthday, Hayley decided to have our dear friend Graham Morrison shoot she and her friends hanging out. Our regular stylist Michelle did Hayley’s hair that morning then an amazing makeup artist, Kitschkween aka Marissa Rhoades came over and got the girls ready. The results were fantastic.

After they had cake, pizza and watched movies until the wee hours of the sleepover.

The cake turned out awesome – Once in a Blue Moon designed a Graffiti Cake:

We had a birthday lunch and then birthday pie later on as well – we do love to drag out her birthday and make a big deal of it!

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Catching up on my photo backlog


I love this shot of Hayley riding:

Hayley and Peyton made treats for the dogs at the SPCA:

(see more from this set)

Guinea Pig bath photos!

(see more from this set)

They had to carry about fake ‘sugar babies’ at school:

(see more from this set)

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