UNC-MD Women’s basketball


Hayley was ballkid for this huge victory for UNC over Maryland. The game was on TV and I took some screenshots from the video feed on ESPN.

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The Biebs


Hayley and her friend Kiah went to the Justin Bieber concert in Greensboro. My dad got her tickets for Christmas. It was funny, my first concerts without parents were at that same Greensboro Coliseum (Prince on the Purple Rain tour, Police on the Synchronicity tour). My dad sat out there waiting and this time, I did the same – he even waited with me. I just had no urge to see that show – Bieber is fun but the hours of screaming for him, Cody Simpson and Carly Rae Jepsen (aka Call Me Maybe) were too much for me to contemplate.

They had great seats – lower level 10th row from the floor

Girls there.

View from their seats (they didn’t take this)

I love these videos because you can hear screaming like a crazy person, lol.

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Middle school basketball


Hayley made the middle school basketball team at Kestrel. I’ll add more photos from the season.

The journalism/yearbook kids at Kestrel did this for 8th graders. So cute!

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We had low-key New Years but we always do. Between the holiday and football, it’s definitely a time to relax and enjoy friends. This year we had a murder mystery at the house for Hayley and her friends who were sleeping over again this year. We’d never done one of those murder mystery kits, thank goodness for a patient group of teens and some goofy adults – oh and a box of silly stuff to wear especially mustaches. But everyone was a good sport and it was a fun way to pass a lot of the evening.

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Christmas and Gingerbread Demo Derby, 2013


We had a great holiday. As always we had a full house with both our families here on Christmas day. I know so many people who have to pick but we are lucky to have my bunch here and Jeff’s crew willing to come down for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s just so easy to have everyone together.

As usual we did our Gingerbread Demolition Derby on Christmas afternoon – year 8!

We all know I love holiday cards!

someone was excited about new pink uggs

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