Mr. Barry Manilow


Jen from next door and I went to see Barry Manilow Friday night. Now please stop laughing and compose yourself.

I’m not a ‘Fanilow’ but I can’t help loving his music. Like Jen says, it’s basically the soundtrack of our childhood. You know you know all the damn songs too. It was a perfect setup – we had an awesome parking pass that let us literally pull up out front the PNC Arena and walk in, club level seats and then the show was just under two hours with no opening act.

Oh and free glowsticks! People you haven’t lived until you’ve held up a glowstick and sung I Write The Songs with Barry Manilow and 10,000 new friends. Or danced to Manilow singing Copacabana live. I’m telling you, BUCKET LIST stuff right there people.

It really was an amazing concert and he puts on one helluva show. We laughed, we got choked up, we sung all night. It was fantastic and bit hysterical too. We laughed so much a woman moved away from us. I prefer to think it was our laughter and not our singing but it could have been both that drove them away.

Manilow is about to turn 70 and holy mackerel, he still can sing and dance up a storm. He paces himself and changes to conserve energy when he can but he worked his rump off on stage. I can’t tell you how impressed and charmed we both were with him live. The man is one helluva showman and entertainer.

I was going to tape more but I was too busy having fun but I snagged one video at least, This One’s For You. The video screen was playing clips of him as a child with his grandfather.

Next up – Fleetwood Mac this summer in Charlotte with Jeff & Hayley. I’ve been waiting for Stevie Nicks to agree to tour again with Fleetwood Mac so I’m just over the moon for this show too.


UNC vs Duke – Hayley’s last ballkid assignment


After seven great years, Hayley’s run as a ballkid has come to an end. NCAA rules prohibit high school kids from being ballkids so her last game this season is the final home game of the year, UNC vs Duke. Hayley is so lucky to have had this opportunity and we send out huge thanks to Coach Sylvia Hatchell, Coach Tracey Williams-Johnson, Jane High who works in administration and all the players over the years who were so kind to our kiddo. Coach Williams-Johnson always took extra care with Hayley, often bringing her back to the locker room with her after big wins. Hayley has years of UNC autographed shoes, all done in the locker room after those games. We’ll keep those forever!

More Photos: Regular view and Slideshow view

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Hello Spring!


We had a great lowkey Easter at home. Hayley said she figured she was too old for an Easter basket but she’ll never be took old in my book.

Then we headed to the beach with my Mom, Stepdad and Aunt Cathie. It really was a wonderful trip. we got a fantastic beach house and just relaxed! Hayley spend an afternoon as an aquarium assistant down at the NC Aquarium, helping with feeding.

To round out our welcome to spring, we hit the UNC spring football game, a post-game party called The Bash and then back to campus for the 35th anniversary show of the Clef Hangers. We had our neighbors with us and for most of the day, the two kids Hayley babysits. Long but great day!

Hayley with Mason and one of the kids she babysits Alex:

Hayley with Coach Fedora at The Bash:

The Clef Hangers – 35 years of gorgeous acapella music!

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Science Fair


Hayley won her school science fair and advanced to the state regionals again this year.

She tested how effectively antibacterial/antibiotic bandaids were vs regular bandaids. Short version – antibacterial/antibiotic are MUCH better.

Her teacher said One of the EPA judges got his PhD in microbiology and was extremely impressed with Hayley’s project. He was a big advocate, not that she needed it. Overall, she was a shoe-in for 1st place. Beautiful display, excellent work all around.

You can see the judge comments on the form which include keep up the good work, you were born to be a scientist.

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