Michelle appointed to Board of Directors of scholarship foundation
Posted by Michelle on Sep 19, 2002 in Michelle
Michelle is thrilled to be appointed to the Board of Directors of the TEAF. She’s helped in other capacities over the past few years with the foundation and was tickled to accept a spot on the board.
(6/03 update: Michelle has now been appointed also the Executive Board as well)
The Triangle Educational Advancement Foundation is a 501(c)3 volunteer organization that conducts the Eurosport Spring Soccer Showcase for girls in April, the ABC 11 Pigskin Preview at Carter-Finley Stadium in August, the Eurosport Fall Soccer Showcase for boys in September, and the GlaxoSmithKline Holiday Invitational Basketball Tournament at Reynolds Coliseum in December.
In addition to providing once-in-a-lifetime athletic experiences for the players, coaches, and fans, the goal of these events is to provide scholarships to deserving students within the Triangle.
Over the past eight years the Foundation has distributed over $400,000 in scholarships to each of the 28 public high school in the Triangle area. The proceeds of all four events are combined and scholarship availability is annually announced to area guidance counselors in the spring with recipients named prior to graduation in May.