Our pups :)

Buster and Molly, July 2001

As you might be able to tell, we love our pups!

We have two beagles, one six year old open marked tri-colored female named Miss Molly and a now eight month old black back male named Buster Brown. And now we have added Sam, a dachshund we found.

Michelle got Molly in 1995 when she was living with her roommate Michele Eager. Eager got two kittens, Cody and Grant the same week and the threesome grew up together.

When Michelle moved in with Jeff, Molly came along – little did Jeff know what he was getting into! Once we built the house, we had so much more room and thought Molly needed a pal.

Buster arrived the first week of January, 2001 – all of eight weeks old.

Molly and Buster, February 2001

Our six year old beagle Molly was thrilled to have a friend – ok that’s a lie! He’s a pest but we think deep down she loves him. And she has lost three pounds since he arrived, so that is great for her!

We added a fence to the house for them in May, so they can run wild outside. Molly likes to lay in the sun and relax but Buster wants to dig and play ball. We tried the frisbee thing but he seems to be more interested in chewing the frisbee than retrieving it. His new trick is when he wants to be playful, he runs under the house and hides whatever ball or frisbee that you are playing fetch with.

We put up a basketball hoop as well and Buster loves the basketball – as well as to try to grab your shorts when you are shooting.

People think we are nuts but we had a wonderful artist, Keri Lynn Shosted, do a painting of the pups. We just LOVE it, here is the small version of it to the right –>

We took them on vacation to Nags Head in June, where Buster got in the ocean for the first time, found a huge fish head and escaped four times – of course Molly was content and mellow. Buster is now as big as Molly, skinnier but as long and maybe a bit taller – actually he’s two pounds more according to the vet. He may be the dominant one but she doesn’t take any crap from him.

Our newest pup, Sam, has been documented quite a bit already on here. On 3/19/02, we found a lost dachshund crossing the road near our home. No collar and as sweet as can be, I nearly jumped out of the car before Jeff had even stopped it. Check out the info we posted about him trying to find his owners.

Long story short, after many efforts to get the word out, no one claimed him – I’m sure now someone dumped him to fend for himself in the world. We fell in love with him and kept him despite his problems. I’m still angry someone dumped this wonderful dog but if they would to this to a dog, they clearly weren’t very good owners anyway. Read more about why we couldn’t give him up and kept him.

Sam wakes me up almost every morning – and I don’t even mind!

