
Hayley is officially a teenager and her birthday weekend was a lot of fun (we had family in the weekend before for Easter and her family birthday celebration, I’ll post about that asap). She wanted a new phone since we only gave a very simple starter phone for her first year. So we think we exceeded her wishes and surprised her with an iPhone the night before her birthday.

On her birthday, we took Hayley and seven friends went on a boat ride around Jordan Lake for a few hours – the weather was gorgeous and the tour was amazing. We even saw bald eagle’s nests with a baby eagle’s head just peaking out and this one bird up in a tree munching on the fish in his talons – that was wild. The tour guide was great, he did just enough nature stuff to make it interesting while letting them goof off the rest of the time. I highly recommend Captain Dave and Jordan Lake Tours!

After they gorged themselves on pizzas, they wanted to go swimming so we headed up to the pool which had just opened that morning – great timing! After they got back, it was time for cake and ice cream. The cake turned out amazing, Three Moon Bakery did the cake itself again and fantastic Jennifer at Carolina Sweetgum did an adorable skull cake topper for the cake. The look on Hayley’s face was just amazing.

After they settled in for movies upstairs or video games downstairs. Then we watched goofy youtube videos on the downstairs tv until they were nodding off – I assumed they were ready to crash so I too went to bed about 1:30am but they must have gotten a second wind because Hayley says some of them made it up until 4am. They were a tired bunch when we dragged them up about 9:30 for breakfast!

See more photos from this set – there are some videos so make sure your sound isn’t blasting:
Regular view (easiest to find one in particular or print)
Slideshow view (easiest to see them all)

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