Hayley on TV and we missed it!

A friend emailed us to tell us that Hayley was on the evening news on WTVD 11. We are trying to get a copy of it or see if they re-air the footage. It was just from her classroom at school, background for a school bonds story.

Of course Hayley didn’t even mention it! Who forgets to mention a TV crew in your classroom?!?! I guess she was just so engrossed in learning, hahaha.

The email…
Did you see the ABC News channel 11 this morning or last night at 11 ?
They were doing a story about the voting for the bond and the cameras must have come to school yesterday to tape our kids in the classroom and I saw Hayley in Ms. Hall’s class.
They showed Ms. Hall and then had a great shot of Hayley at her desk.
You might be able to see if again at noon and maybe again tonight because they are having a meeting at Green Hope High School about the bond so they may show it again.
They may even have it available online for you view.
I thought you would like to know in case they didn’t tell you she would be on TV.

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