Photo Gallery: UNC women’s hoops banquet

Photos from the 2006 UNC women’s basketball banquet at the Dean Dome on April 12th. Hayley and the other ball kids were recognized and even got to stand on their chairs. We lucked out and sat across from Ivory Latta’s parents.

I posted my favorites here and the link to the rest of them is at the end.

Oh the funniest thing from last night – Hayley wrote Ivory Latta (the best player in women’s college basketball) a note on the back of a program during dinner and gave it to her dad to give to her (the Lattas were across from us at dinner). It said,

Dear Ivory,

I love you. You are a cool and great player.


and she decorated it with hearts and basketballs (after I took the photo).

It cracked me up SO much – Hayley loves Ivory so much. And Hayley just has no fear – I mean this is the best player in women’s basketball this year and Hayley is passing her notes!

And yeah, Ivory loved it and told Hayley thanks – they made silly faces at each other too. Ivory rules, she is as funny and goofy in person as on the court. Her parents are very polite and quiet tho!

Hayley outside the Dean Dome about 9:30pm

Hayley and Ivory Latta, national player of the year

Hayley holding Ivory’s commemorative ball for her 1,500th point in a game against Duke

Playing with the center peice balloons

Hayley with La’Tangela Atkinson, 9th pick in the WNBA draft, and her commemorative jersey.

Hayley and Coach Hatchell, the national coach of the year.

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