Photo Gallery: Ninja battle at our house

Ninja Jeff battles Ninja Hayley… Hayley uses her secret weapon – straws and a crazed beagle.

They aren’t really ninjas but just my two sweeties in their new long underwear. With the UNC-VT football game at VT at 8pm at night, I hit REI to get them both a ton of new cold weather gear. Their long underwear coupled with Jeff’s balaklava made them both look like ninjas – although Jeff looked like a burglar and even scared me a bit once.

They have a ninja battle for me and then we discovered the dogs just tore the heck out of the bed in the library. We go through dog beds every other month but rarely this dramatically. Hayley thought it was hysterical and Buster was so hyped up by her squeals and the ninja madness, he actually knocked her down wanting to play when she went to the bed with the stuffing out and then he tried to eat her hat. None of us could stop laughing at that point…

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