Stuff Hayley wants for 2005 Christmas

I’m posting this list mostly to keep track of what she wants but I figure it will be of some help to the rest of the family too! If you do end up getting her something from this list, let me know so I can mark it off.

Hayley’s Xmas list (a work in progress)

  • Polly Pockets anything – more the merrier
  • Groovy Girls – more the merrier
  • Playdough – playdough kitchen stuff especially
  • Spongebob version of the game of Life
  • One of those big exercise theraband balls
  • She still likes her Leapster but needs new games outside of the k-1 level ones she has. 2nd grade ones, especially math, spiderman, etc.
  • Collegiate Striped Rugby Dress size 7/small, navy/gray
  • Collegiate Striped Rugby size 7/small, pink/navy

  • Green Machine

  • The Incredibles (Widescreen 2-Disc Collector’s Edition)
  • Girls’ Buckle Boots 13 Brown
  • Dress up play outfits (princess and all that but cop, firefighter would be cool too. Some vet stuff would be AWESOME, she loves that.)
  • Kids play cell phone
  • New printer for upstairs computer – HECK new computer since sound doesn’t work!
  • Lava lamp – old one broke some
  • Extra candeloos – pink ones this time.
  • Big version of Robosapien
  • small digital camera
  • Games – like anything by Cranium, especially Family Fun.
  • Sponge Bob Krabby Patty Station Grill Kitchen


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