Reunion planning

I feel so old, we are planning the 15 year reunion for the Chapel Hill High Class of 1988.

A lot of people tell me how much they hated high school but I really didn’t. I had a good time – it wasn’t all fun and games but I learned from the crappy times too.

Gary Hill and I kept trying to figure out who was planning the reunion – and when we couldn’t find anyone, we started working on it ourselves.

I started a site for the reunion, And we’ve had our first meeting and about 1,000 emails so far. I was really excited to fine a diverse group of people who wanted to get involved and really pitch in.

The meeting was a blast, ended up three hours – how many three hour meetings can you say are fun? I had the yearbook, Gary brought his class of 88 tshirt and it was great to see people again.

And I’m getting such excited emails back from classmates hearing about the reunion.

Picnic during the day, Bailey’s (we think) that night. Should be a lot of fun!

