We had low-key New Years but we always do. Between the holiday and football, it’s definitely a time to relax and enjoy friends. This year we had a murder mystery at the house for Hayley and her friends who were sleeping over again this year. We’d never done one of those murder mystery kits, thank goodness for a patient group of teens and some goofy adults – oh and a box of silly stuff to wear especially mustaches. But everyone was a good sport and it was a fun way to pass a lot of the evening.
We didn’t do all that much the last few weeks of trackout break before the Hayley went back to school – between the snow, her new laptop, scooter and video games, she was content to lay low and goof off. But she did go to a cheerleading day camp for a week, we hit our favorite museum, got mani-pedis, read a lot, had dentist and orthodontist appts, a couple of sleepovers at friends and her basketball season is in full swing as well (I’ll post some hoops photos soon)
Posted by Michelle on May 11, 2010 in Hayley, Humor
As usual Hayley had many birthday celebrations – what can I say, we like to have fun. We had pizza with our neighbors on her actual birthday and then ice cream sundaes. Then Jeff’s folks came down and we went out with family to our favorite place Ginza that Saturday night and a cute cake that look like a horse pasture.
Then the next weekend we went to Frankie’s for her party with friends – go kart racing, bumper boats, video games, laser tag and the drop zone ride so many times I thought I’d puke just watching them. I have no idea how how they got back on that ride after dinner – and I mean a full dinner in the restaurant there and birthday cake.
We got a very cool cake done by Blue Moon Bakery to look like the book Eclipse, the third Twilight book and the next movie coming out in the series. The sides even looked like icing and spine of the book. Chocolate with chocolate mousse filling, so good. They do great work! The wait staff at Frankie’s begged us for pieces it looked so amazing.
The big surprise was we gave her a cell phone which she was dying for but we told her she wouldn’t get until middle school. She thought she was getting a flat screen TV for her game room (and she did get it later that weekend) but we faked her into thinking the TV was shipped here and she needed to open it. Of course it was a fake huge box full of peanuts with the cellphone hidden in it. It was so funny watching her dig through it and try to figure out what the heck was going on.
I had to put the video on youtube b/c it was too long for flickr:
Bless Jeff’s heart, he cleaned up all the peanuts for her and they were EVERYWHERE. All in all, it was a really fun birthday. I really didn’t take a ton of photos this time and I kept forgetting to at family stuff but there are more videos than normal though.
See more photos and five videos from this set: Regular view (easiest to find one in particular or print) Slideshow view (easiest to see them all)
One of our favorite stores, Swagger Gifts is doing a fundraiser for the Red Cross where if you donate, you get to pose with the fellow of your choice. Get the joke? Red Cross, vampires… hahaha
This was from back in late March when the old Pittsboro Courthouse burned down. We were goofing off and Hayley decided to be Annabelle’s voice in this running joke we have about a dog talkshow that our dogs host (don’t ask, we aren’t normal I know).
We had our 5th Gingerbread Demo Derby after Christmas – we had more friends involved than ever in the creation and destruction. Christmas Eve we had family and friends over for Chinese food and the construction of the Gingerbread House, which was one big deluxe house, one small house and one little leftover kit so it was more of a Gingerbread Country Estate. I simply don’t care how they look, what I care about is having fun and the kids being silly (ok the adults too).
If you don’t know the background, we discovered that no one actually liked gingerbread despite making houses yearly. My brother-in-law and I came up with the idea to smash them with remote controlled cars and we’ve been doing it each year ever since! So once the gifts are opened and the Christmas food consumed, we drag the Gingerbread house to the cul-de-sac, the kids get 30 seconds to grab candy they want and then we rev up the cars to smash it up. Oh and anything left standing, the kids get to jump up and down on.
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And yes I’ll get back to posting photos soon. I’m still taking them, just haven’t felt like posting them. Nothing is wrong, just busy with life. Yes I’m about three months behind.
We went to Locopops with the dogs to get popsicles for everyone and Hayley took some funny photos of the dogs trying to eat their beef doggie popsicles. For the record, the humans had fantastic Cherry-Lime and Choco-Brownie ones.
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