1973 Throwback


Mom found a great old video of mostly me but some other family too from 1973. Mom and Dad both young, Uncle Mike playing with me. I wish it had more than just a glimpse of Grandma as well as wishing the original converter from old tape hadn’t removed the audio. It’s still a lovely look back!

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Niagara & Toronto


Had an amazing vacation to Pittsburgh, Niagara Falls on the Canadian side and Toronto. Can’t wait to go back to Canada – I have family in BC and one of my grandmothers was from Nova Scotia.

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Some favorites…



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Dark on Both Sides


Hayley spent two weeks at a great teen film workshop St. Augustine’s. 16 kids, a college professor and some of her students – they had access to the entire campus to shoot and the film department’s gear. They all really worked hard on stuff and I’m really impressed how much technical stuff they’ve done with sound, filming and photography.

Most of the time, she did still photography which can be used for checking continuity in scenes, transitions and for fun slide shows. She was lugging camera gear and her laptop all over the campus. She did makeup for a lot of the actors and then acted in one of the shorts.

In this one, she acted one plus did the makeup and blood. She doesn’t mind acting but the makeup and blood part was her favorite.

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Movie Makers Camp: Maximum Judgment


Outside the premiere!

from the opening nightmare scene)

scene coming out of the woods

ending credits!!!

The moviemaking camp Hayley was in this summer had their big screen premiere for their films at the Varsity Theatre, a real theater in Chapel Hill this afternoon. The theater is one I went to a kid so it was absolutely amazing to see her on the big movie screen there!

Hayley was one of the vampires in the Gothic/Supernatural short film entitled Maximum Judgment. The film is about 25 minutes long and fantastic. It was scary enough they had to tell people they might want to take any little kids out for that short… so you know Hayley, the horror film fanatic, was thrilled with making it and how it turned out.

With the help from the staff, the kids write the script, bring in props & costumes, do each others makeup and even help film it. This is an amazing camp with fantastic staff. The kids did an super job – the instructors even said how they took more shots and footage of this group than any other camp. Really just an amazing group of people all around!

I posted the movie on Vimeo:

Maximum Judgment from michelle hillison on Vimeo.

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Hayley getting award at school (updated)


Hayley got the Teacher’s Choice award today in Science at the Honors Assembly this morning! (update – I added photos from the event and going out that afternoon with her friends)

Click through to see what the award say:

Her teacher gave a speech about her that was just adorable. For those of you who have known either me or Jeff for a long time, you’ll find the part about ‘quirky being good because it is creative, different and unique’ very funny and so appropriate for our kid. Hayley is one of a kind and she’s so lucky to find teachers who aren’t annoyed but find that praiseworthy. For what it’s worth, she had such a solid A in science she didn’t even use any of her extra credit.

(turn your volume up loud to hear)

Then her teachers did some ‘entertainment’ to end the assembly. This is her science, social studies, math and language arts teachers singing Justin Bieber’s Baby Baby. Hayley and a friend got to stand up on the tables and help by holding up signs with some of the lyrics. Hayley is really lucky to go to such a great school with dynamic teachers.

(turn the volume down a bit now, lol)

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Hayley turns 12!


As usual Hayley had many birthday celebrations – what can I say, we like to have fun. We had pizza with our neighbors on her actual birthday and then ice cream sundaes. Then Jeff’s folks came down and we went out with family to our favorite place Ginza that Saturday night and a cute cake that look like a horse pasture.

Then the next weekend we went to Frankie’s for her party with friends – go kart racing, bumper boats, video games, laser tag and the drop zone ride so many times I thought I’d puke just watching them. I have no idea how how they got back on that ride after dinner – and I mean a full dinner in the restaurant there and birthday cake.

We got a very cool cake done by Blue Moon Bakery to look like the book Eclipse, the third Twilight book and the next movie coming out in the series. The sides even looked like icing and spine of the book. Chocolate with chocolate mousse filling, so good. They do great work! The wait staff at Frankie’s begged us for pieces it looked so amazing.

The big surprise was we gave her a cell phone which she was dying for but we told her she wouldn’t get until middle school. She thought she was getting a flat screen TV for her game room (and she did get it later that weekend) but we faked her into thinking the TV was shipped here and she needed to open it. Of course it was a fake huge box full of peanuts with the cellphone hidden in it. It was so funny watching her dig through it and try to figure out what the heck was going on.

I had to put the video on youtube b/c it was too long for flickr:

Bless Jeff’s heart, he cleaned up all the peanuts for her and they were EVERYWHERE. All in all, it was a really fun birthday. I really didn’t take a ton of photos this time and I kept forgetting to at family stuff but there are more videos than normal though.

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Learning to rollerblading


Hayley is learning to rollerblade. The process just cracked me up so of course I had to snap a few photos and videos with the iphone while we were outside. At this stage, she reminds me of the colts at the stable, just all long skinny legs. Almost 12 and she’s barely 64 pounds.

I love this video clip – she’s lucky to have a good dad and uncle to help:

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UNC Alumni Basketball Game


I’m slowly getting though my photo backlog! These are photos and videos that Hayley took at the UNC Alumni Basketball game in September at UNC. We had great seats and had so much fun – seeing all the active pros was awesome but Dean and Michael Jordan just took it over the top. The unveiling of the 2009 NCAA Title banner and the addition of Jordan’s name to the Naismith Hall of Fame banner were really just amazing.

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Video: Ty Hanosaurus Rex


I have lots of photos to post but I had to post this hysterical little animation short we found on youtube. UNC beat Duke in football last night and Hansborough had his NBA debut on Friday night so it is semi-relevant, right?
Make sure you watch until the VERY end – don’t stop when you see the black screen and animator’s name.

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Photos: Anniversary dinner at Melting Pot


Wow… 11 years ago:

For our 11th wedding anniversary, we went to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner – The Melting Pot. It was amazingly good and we were stuffed! Someone went a bit chocolate crazy at the end…

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Video: She said she wasn’t taping but I knew out she was. I thought she’d deleted it but of course she didn’t.

and ps Jeff, I love you more today than I did when I said I do 11 years ago or even when we started dating 13 years ago. Thank you for a wonderful life, for always believing in me and supporting me. I have no idea how I got this lucky!

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